List of Materials Required:
To ensure that your dog has a safe and enjoyable training session, please bring the following items:
Your furry friend :-)
Collar with proper ID (including name and phone number)
Harness (optional)
Leash (non-retractable) - 4ft or 6ft [4ft preferred]
Treat pouch: to avoid filling your pockets with treats
The treat pouch must be attachable to your belt or via clip
Soft bite treats: (examples) Freeze Dried Treats [Chicken, Beef or another protein], liver treats, or any [soft] treat your dog loves. A variety is sometimes key.
Proof of Dog Vaccinations: [Para-influenza, Distemper, Parvovirus, & Rabies] (A printed copy of services received on your bill is usually best. You can also call your vet and have them send you a copy or email them to me via vet office)
Important Note:
To ensure the safety of all dogs, no nose-to-nose greetings will be allowed. Dogs can interact from a distance, but please do not let them invade each other's space or faces. This is crucial in helping them learn socialization skills. Please keep your dog leashed both inside and outside.